Give your $20 on 1/20!

Download a social graphic or presentation slide below to inspire others to join the movement on January 20th!
Make sure to navigate people to give at

Utilize the below content as desired to help promote. Use all or part of it as a caption, text it to your friends, you name it! Personalize as desired.

January is Human Trafficking Prevention Month—and we’re uniting as students nationwide to stand up for kids who are trafficked and exploited across the globe.

With thousands upon thousands of children being abused worldwide, it might seem natural to ask, “Can I really do anything about it?” The answer is a resounding YES.

It takes $1,500 to rescue a child and launch their path to freedom. If every student in the United States gave $20 to Destiny Rescue, we could help rescue one million kids!

On January 20th, we’re challenging all students, from elementary to college, to give their $20 at

Your $20 combined with 74 other student’s $20, rescues a child from from of the worst realities on earth.

Challenge your friends. Challenge your school. Challenge your youth group. Challenge your sports team.

And get ready to give your $20 on 1/20. Your $20 matters.

#120on120 #humantraffickingpreventionmonth #rescueop120 #rescuestartswithme #destinyrescue #studentfreedomfighters #endchildtrafficking



Make sure to add this link to your story for people to give: