While some people enjoyed romantic dates on Valentine’s Day, Destiny Rescue staff strengthened their workplace relationships during a training day in our largest undisclosed project nation on February 14. 

Rob, our executive director of project nations, says the event brought together almost every staff member, 29, from multiple regions in the country for the “first time”

There was a lot of positive feedback from all,” he said. 

This team has recently scored a big win for our organization. Each member helped rescue 661 survivors last year compared to 72 in 2020 in the country. The catalyst for this staggering growth was the launch of community care early last year. 

Rob connected with the team via video meeting and taught three of the training sessions from another continent.

Before leaping into each session, he said the team played games to help “connect everyone”. Afterward, the training focused on our mission, work ethics, trauma rehabilitation, survivors’ freedom plans, collecting data and training on the job.

With a better understanding of what information we require and why we need it, we can get better records and follow-ups happening,” Rob said.

“This will allow us to make better decisions about the programs and manage the outcomes better.”

The day also helped staff members understand each role comprising the team, which brings unity and recognition for everyone. Roles include rescue agents, caseworkers, data officers, a driver, house mother and human resources assistant. 

This training day is a small window into the kind of impact teamwork is having across our project nations around the world.

This incredible group of people in our largest undisclosed nation stands on the front lines against child exploitation, facing challenges and witnessing victories.

We are grateful for the team comradery, dedication and compassion modeled by each valuable member of our frontline family.

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Over the last three years, 80.4% of every dollar we spent was used for programs that benefit the children we defend.

Destiny Rescue is recognized by Guidestar, Charity Navigator and the Better Business Bureau for our commitment to transparency, accountability and financial integrity.

Guidestar Platinum Seal of Transparency 2020  Charity Navigator 100/100  

80.4% Program Funs / 11.2% Management / 8.4% Fundraising

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