Growing up in Uganda was more challenging for Edith than we can even fathom.

As one of seven siblings to a single mother, getting their next meal was always a concern. “We were so poor,” Edith said. “My mom worked so hard to pay for our school fees.”

It’s a common scenario in her area. Primary education is not free in Uganda–and monthly fees can be steep. Local economies that were already relatively weak suffered greatly over the last few years. Many parents work tirelessly just to be able to put a single meal on the table the next day.

In the blink of an eye, Edith’s life changed when her mother broke her back. 

Without income for daily necessities, the family was in dire straits. Edith’s sense of responsibility demanded she do something to provide for her large family, but she was still in school and had no special training to get a local job.

That’s when one of her fellow students offered a solution: “you can start selling yourself.”

Photo courtesy of Antoine Plüss

A way out

When Destiny Rescue began canvassing in her area, word spread quickly throughout the community. As soon as Edith heard about the project, she didn’t wait.

According to Edith, a Destiny Rescue agent said, “‘come, and you can be helped.’ So I came.


Edith shared that her friends, many of whom were in similar situations, also accepted our help. And the results are evident: “All of them changed because they joined the project,” she said.

Now, Edith has bright hopes for the future. She plans to open her own retail shop as a way to provide food and tuition for her siblings. Her caseworker simply sums up her bright future: “she is free.”

There are children in every country who share similar stories to Edith’s. Donate today to help free children from the incredible burden of sexual exploitation.

Ten months after rescue, Edith smiles as she picks up her food pack

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Over the last three years, 82% of every dollar we spent was used for programs that benefit the children we defend.

Destiny Rescue is recognized by Guidestar, Charity Navigator, the Better Business Bureau and Excellence in Giving for our commitment to transparency, accountability and financial integrity.

Guidestar Platinum Seal of Transparency 2020 Charity Navigator 100/100  

We are grateful for your generosity and promise to use your donation in the most effective way possible. All donations designated for specific funds will be applied to those projects and to administering the gifts. At least 80 percent of your designated gift will go to programs that defend kids. Gifts that cannot be used for a particular project, due to over or under-funding, will be directed to Destiny Rescue’s most urgent needs. Contributions are solicited with the understanding that Destiny Rescue has control over the use of all donated funds.