
“I know we have a voice”: Human Trafficking Survivor Quotes about EMPOWER

Hear what survivors have to say about recovering from trauma

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Ugandan Small Businesses are Enabling Freedom

Caregivers of survivors proudly show off their small businesses that are keeping rescued children free.

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What happens after rescue?

A successful rescue doesn’t end when a child is removed from exploitation. That event is only the first step in a process that will help her stay free.

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Ten Dollars or Less: Geneva’s Journey

When Geneva’s father left them, taking the family’s only source of income with him, life as Geneva knew it quickly crumbled.

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Shona’s Success Story

After rescue from exploitation, Shona found a reason to get up in the morning.

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Changing Lives One Business at a Time

Small business training in Kenya doesn’t just help kids stay free; it’s helping to break the cycle of multi-generational poverty.

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From the Frontlines: Zimbabwe

“My life has changed; every day, I make some money to take home.”

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Meant for Good: Lydia’s Story

Young Lydia bookended her heartbreaking story with something unexpected: gratitude.

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Post-Rescue Realities

Rescue requires more than being removed from an exploitative situation. To truly stay free, survivors must be equipped and empowered to overcome the challenges that made them vulnerable to abuse in the first place.

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Sisters Exit the Sex Trade, Turn Back to Save Others

After months of hard work, Sophea was finally free from exploitation. But that wasn’t enough: her little sister still faced abusers every night in the bar.

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