For foundations and family philanthropy
Discover how your foundation or family trust can play a vital role in the rescue and freedom of children across the globe.
To learn more, please contact Patty Haan, MBA, MPA
Director of Foundation Partnerships
Thank you so much for everything. Because of you, I am able to go to school to study cooking and this was my dream.”
Our mission
We rescue children from sexual exploitation and human trafficking and equip them to stay free.
Our purpose
We are driven by our faith in Jesus Christ.
Destiny Rescue is driven by our faith to serve children in the darkest places across the world. We seek out and rescue exploited kids in the same way Christ helped victims in the midst of their vulnerability, serving them with gentleness, grace, and humility. And, over time, we earn the trust to share Jesus with them as well.
Give justice to the poor and the orphan; uphold the rights of the oppressed and the destitute. Rescue the poor and helpless; deliver them from the grasp of evil people.
PSALM 82:3-4
Explore resources for funders with a strategic approach to grantmaking and generational giving
It is my honor and pleasure to recognize the incredible work that Destiny Rescue has accomplished and recommend partnership with their organization to anyone who is looking for the highest level of excellence.”
Men and women across the world leading the fight to combat child trafficking and see children find lasting freedom from sexual exploitation.
Grantmakers are part of the story.
Your grant funding is used directly for projects that rescue victims and equip survivors to stay free—helping reduce vulnerabilities and empowering survivors and their families to break generational cycles of exploitation.
Destiny Rescue storytellers take you inside the realities of what is happening on the ground by crafting blogs, videos and films that draw you closer to the work by showing how victims are rescued and how survivors are adapting, healing and living sustainable lives free from abuse.
Download our 2024 Impact Report
Discover how funds are stewarded to maximize rescue and freedom for kids around the world.
VIEWEvery dollar is stewarded responsibly.
Destiny Rescue is committed to upholding the ECFA’s Seven Standards of Responsible Stewardship™, drawn from Scripture, which are fundamental to operating with integrity.
Hedging strategies for long-term solvency, short-term liquidity and revenue flexibility are core to our growth plan and guided by four key objectives:
Grow sustainably
Create project stability
Provide investor transparency
Honor our funding commitments
Risk mitigation measures are key. As a global organization, we understand the reality of fluctuating costs and regulations based on local economies and the unpredictability of natural disasters or political influences. Our strategy allows us to respond to threats quickly, protect our resources and maintain stakeholder confidence.
Our audited financial statements are easily accessible
Make grants with confidence.
Over the last three years, 82% of every dollar we spent was used for programs that benefit the children we defend.
Destiny Rescue is recognized by Guidestar, Charity Navigator, the Better Business Bureau and Excellence in Giving for our commitment to transparency, accountability and financial integrity.
One organization sharing a global purpose.
International structure―Destiny Rescue is one international organization sharing a single mission: rescuing kids and helping them stay free. With many national offices and partners around the world, Destiny Rescue International (DRI) provides global leadership for our partnerships.
Support offices―Most funding comes through three independent but united funding partner NGOs, including Destiny Rescue USA, Destiny Rescue Australia, Destiny Rescue New Zealand and Destiny Rescue United Kingdom (coming in 2025). Each office is responsible for raising awareness and funds while serving strategic partners who invest in our mission.
Destiny Rescue USA―Destiny Rescue USA, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization incorporated under the laws of the State of Indiana in the United States. Destiny Rescue USA has an independent board of directors making governing decisions regarding policy and the use of financial resources.
What our work makes possible.
Every day, millions of children are pushed or pulled into sexual exploitation and human trafficking. Perpetrators exploit children’s physical conditions, power disparities, poverty, and social norms – and the under-resourced communities they live in.
Our theory is this: if we rescue children, address the vulnerabilities that led to their exploitation, and equip local community partners and government agencies to fight exploitation, then child survivors will stabilize and be protected against revictimization.
Human trafficking is the fastest-growing crime industry in the world today, and right now, over a million children are victims of commercial sexual exploitation. Our urgency to rescue as many kids as possible – as quickly as possible – and equip them to stay free demands that we grow rapidly and responsibly.
Making sense of the data and stories.
Destiny Rescue is committed to demonstrating the outcomes your grants help make possible. Our international data and evaluation team gathers, verifies, and analyzes high-quality data to better understand the difference rescue makes in survivors’ lives over time. This approach makes it possible to respond regularly and timely to your grant reporting requirements.
The monitoring and evaluation team also provides intelligence and insights that are useful to staff for driving continuous learning and improvement, producing evidence of impact and empowering survivors to participate in shaping programming to better meet their needs. We are currently field testing survivor outcomes assessment tools and conducting rapid local evaluations, so we can better articulate the change happening on individual, family and community levels. We look forward to sharing the results of this work with you as it becomes available.
Survivor Advisory Council
We listen to survivors of trafficking.
In 2023, Destiny Rescue launched our first Survivor Advisory Council, a place where survivors make their voices heard and feel supported in the company of other survivors. The Council comprises women who were rescued as children and enrolled in a Destiny Rescue project and are now adults living free from exploitation.
Destiny Rescue believes the diverse and personal knowledge that survivors hold gives them the unique ability to translate lived experiences into meaningful systemic change. We listen with an open mind and provide support to ensure what we learn from them translates into recommendations for meaningful program improvement.
It is pretty rare that the Tyndale House Foundation board will fully fund a proposal from a first-time grantee, so I think it’s fair to say we were very impressed with the organization, its leadership and its work in East Africa. Destiny Rescue is audited annually and makes all their financial documentation available on their website. In other words, they are committed to transparency in their financial dealings.”
More ways to engage
Meet our leadership team, explore our commitment to financial integrity and discover more strategic ways to give!